The Stage component is the root of your WebGL PixiJS application. It creates a canvas element and appends it to the host element.
<Script lang="ts">
import { Stage } from 'glixy';
let host: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);
<div bind:this={host} style="background-color: #111111;">
{#if host}
<Stage {host} background="#111111">
<!-- rendered contents will go there -->
<div>Loading stage...</div>
Now that we have a stage, let's render some stuff on it. We can use the Sprite component to render an image.
<Script lang="ts">
import { Sprite, Stage } from 'glixy';
let host: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);
<div bind:this={host} style="background-color: #111111;">
{#if host}
<Stage {host} background="#111111">
<div>Loading stage...</div>
Render loop underneath won't run if there are no updates to render, but
once we update the x
or y
properties, the render loop will run and update the position of the sprite.
<Script lang="ts">
import { Sprite, Stage } from 'glixy';
let host: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);
let x = $state(10);
let y = $state(10);
$effect(() => {
setInterval(() => {
x = Math.random();
y = Math.random();
}, 1000);
<div bind:this={host} style="background-color: #111111;">
{#if host}
<Stage {host} background="#111111">
<div>Loading stage...</div>
You should see a bunny moving around the stage.
<Script lang="ts">
import { Sprite, Stage } from 'glixy';
let host: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);
let x = $state(10);
let y = $state(10);
$effect(() => {
setInterval(() => {
x = Math.random();
y = Math.random();
}, 1000);
<div bind:this={host} style="background-color: #111111;">
{#if host}
<Stage {host} background="#111111">
anchor={{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }}
x={x * hostWidth}
y={y * hostHeight}
<div>Loading stage...</div>
What if we were able to connect HTML rendered content with WebGL rendered content?
<Script lang="ts">
import { Sprite, Stage } from 'glixy';
let host: HTMLElement | null = $state(null);
let speedX = $state(10);
let speedY = $state(10);
let updatePositionIntervalMS = $state(1000);
let visible = $state(true);
$effect(() => {
speedX = Math.random();
speedY = Math.random();
const speedyInterval = setInterval(() => {
speedX = Math.random();
speedY = Math.random();
}, updatePositionIntervalMS);
return () => clearInterval(speedyInterval);
<div bind:this={host} style="background-color: #111111;">
{#if host}
<Stage {host} background="#111111">
anchor={{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }}
x={speedX * hostWidth}
y={speedY * hostHeight}
<div>Loading stage...</div>